

每一個人碰到的圍停經期都不同,但對許多人來說,這段荷爾蒙之路就如同青春期那般困難重重。更糟的是,這些症狀通常會相互重疊:熱潮紅會導致睡眠不足,使憂鬱症惡化等等。這有點像是經前症候群,只不過每天都這樣。 醫生們曾認為更年期是緩慢減少雌激素,這過程可能長達數年,直到最後一次經期為止。如今研究已經發現,圍停經期,約翰霍普金斯大學網站定義是,更年期卵巢開始衰老以前的過渡期,並非緩慢地衰退,通常是混亂且具破壞性。當雌激素減少太多,許多女性會感覺到一大堆像是更年期的症狀,從熱潮紅到睡眠問題都有。 多數處在圍停經期的女性也會經歷大量出血,稱為「經血過多」,就像我在船上活像命案現場的那一次,經血會多到浸透衣服,這種情況可能維持數月之久,有時候還可能讓你無法出門。經歷圍停經期的女性,長達十幾天的經期是很常見的事,有時候經血量會多到他們以為自己患了嚴重內傷或生病,最後急忙跑去掛急診。 鎂功效能幫助睡眠嗎?缺鎂症狀或補充鎂副作用有哪些?何時吃最好?含鎂食物12款大盤點 你是否容易疲勞、難以入眠的狀況?這有可能是身體缺 鎂 的警訊!最近市面上越來越多的食品和飲用水都有添加鎂成分,顯示鎂對身體的重要性越來越受重視。鎂的功效有哪些?缺鎂的症狀有哪些?鎂的副作用有哪些?本文一次搞懂高鎂食物這樣吃不過量! 鎂在人體之含量僅次於鈣、鉀、鈉,是體內含量第四豐富的礦物質。鎂不僅參與人體能量代謝與酵素的作用,也參與蛋白質合成,是身體機能運作的重要元素之一。 目前尚未有報告顯示從「一般食物」攝取過量鎂有不適反應,大多是由「含鎂藥物」或「鎂補充劑」攝取過量引起,初期症狀大多以腹瀉為主。食藥署也提醒,過量攝取鎂離子可能會增加腎臟負擔、結石風險,因此,使用鎂補充劑或含有鎂藥物前,應向醫師詢問討論適合的劑量。 鼻子是防感冒第一防線!5個習慣害免疫力失守,難怪動不動就感冒! 入秋日夜溫差大,特別容易著涼,也因此秋天後進入感冒旺季,如果不想動不動就中標,不妨從維持鼻腔濕潤下手。有專家提醒,鼻腔太乾燥,會讓黏膜防衛能力變差、無法阻擋外來細菌,平常像是挖鼻孔、用空氣清新劑等5個NG習慣,都可能成為容易感冒的原因。 鼻腔是對抗病毒、過濾環境中刺激物的第一道防線,而濕潤的鼻腔有保護黏膜的效果,反之,如果鼻腔內部太乾燥,就會造成過濾和防禦病毒的功能變差。台大醫院過敏免疫科總醫師張簡晴瑩也曾在接受媒體訪問時解釋,當鼻黏膜乾燥, 鼻

Future of Cannabis Policy in Canada

Introduction The legalization of  cannabis  in Canada has marked a significant milestone in drug policy, reflecting a shift towards a more progressive and health-oriented approach. As the landscape continues to evolve, it is essential to reflect on the progression of cannabis laws, assess current challenges, and explore potential reforms. This article examines the ongoing issues facing cannabis policy in Canada, the lessons that can be learned from international experiences, and the outlook for the future of cannabis regulation.   Reflection on the Evolution of Cannabis Laws Canada’s journey toward  cannabis  legalization has been characterized by a complex interplay of societal attitudes, public health considerations, and economic factors. From the initial prohibition in the early 20th century to the establishment of a legal framework with the Cannabis Act in 2018, the evolution of cannabis laws reflects a growing recognition of the need for reform. This historical context underscores

Social and Cultural Effects of Legalization

Introduction The legalization of cannabis in Canada in 2018 has had a profound impact on social attitudes and cultural perceptions surrounding the substance. Once associated with stigma and criminality, cannabis is increasingly viewed through a lens of acceptance and integration. This article explores how legalization has shifted public opinion, its impact on crime rates, the role of cannabis in Canadian culture, and community initiatives aimed at promoting responsible use and education. Exploration of Social Attitudes Towards Cannabis Before legalization, societal attitudes towards cannabis were largely negative, shaped by decades of prohibition and criminalization. Cannabis users were often stigmatized, and the substance was frequently associated with deviance and illicit behavior. However, as public discourse began to evolve, many Canadians started to question the efficacy of prohibition and recognize the potential benefits of cannabis, both medicinally and recreationally. The mov


中樞神經感染是指腦部或脊髓受到病原體的入侵而導致發炎現象。正常情況下,腦和脊髓受到外層顱骨、脊柱以及其下三層腦膜(硬腦膜、蜘蛛網膜、軟腦膜)的保護,病原體不易入侵,但如果因為外傷或手術植入物、周邊組織(鼻竇炎、中耳炎、骨髓炎等)的感染,或是病原體直接血行性入侵,就有可能引起中樞神經的感染。 腦炎或腦膜炎在臨床上可能會表現出頭痛、頸部僵硬、意識改變甚至發燒現象,但也有一部分的病人並不會出現以上特徵,導致早期診斷有所困難。 刷牙刷錯不會瘦!牙周病讓脂肪肝、糖尿病難改善,改掉4習慣遠離牙周病 老是消不掉的內臟脂肪或 脂肪肝 ,問題可能就在口中,除了是平常「吃」出來的,竟還可能與牙周病有關!日本專家提醒,所謂「食慾之秋」代表食慾特別旺盛,這個時節特別容易累積脂肪,更要加強口腔健康,4個你可能不曉得的刷牙習慣一次看! 脂肪肝與糖尿病可說是「一體兩面」,因為包覆著肝臟的脂肪太多,除了直接影響到肝臟機能,也會降低能量代謝,如此一來身體多餘的糖分都囤著,糖尿病風險也上升,二者陷入互相影響、惡化的負面循環。 但沒想到,「牙周病」還會與脂肪肝、糖尿病一起加劇這個負面螺旋!牙醫師栗原丈德指出,牙周病會在口腔中引起發炎症狀,產生的發炎物質會阻礙胰島素運作,造成血糖容易上升,此時身體多餘的糖分被送往肝臟轉為 三酸甘油脂儲存下來,脂肪肝惡化、糖尿病風險變高,而糖尿病又會進一步讓牙周病惡化,形成糟糕的連鎖反應! 子宮肌瘤長不停!分清你的肌瘤體質原因,中醫教你用對3手段根除禍患 除非造成嚴重症狀,一般 肌瘤 的治療方案仍會以保守治療與追蹤為主,如常見藥物異位寧,是一種黃體素的製劑,可以透過負回饋抑制子宮內膜的生長,達到治療子宮肌瘤的作用。只有在肌瘤生長激素過快、大小超過六公分、壓迫器官、造成不正常出血,或會影響患者生育計畫時,才會建議手術。 然而,手術並無法一勞永逸的根治子宮肌瘤。根據統計數據顯示,肌瘤在手術切除後,5年內單顆肌瘤的復發率約在35%左右,有多顆子宮肌瘤的患者5年內復發生長的機率更超過七成。子宮肌瘤的易發體質影響因素繁多,若不從肌瘤的養成體質進行調理,患者就會反覆被同樣問題所困擾。 自己煮一定比外食健康?常見7個做飯習慣很傷身,做錯1事還可能致癌 食安問題 越來越受重視,開始自己下廚的人也變多了。自己煮能夠更好控制熱量、掌握食材來源,但小心料理過程中有些常見的習慣,有可能傷身程度不輸

Economic Implications of Cannabis Legalization

Introduction The legalization of cannabis in Canada in 2018 not only represented a significant social shift but also marked a transformative moment for the country’s economy. Prior to legalization, the cannabis market existed largely in the shadows, with a significant portion of sales occurring through illegal channels. This article examines the economic landscape before legalization, the growth of the cannabis industry, tax revenue implications, challenges faced by existing businesses, and predictions for the future of the cannabis market in Canada. Overview of the Economic Landscape Pre-Legalization Before the legalization of cannabis , the economic landscape was characterized by a thriving underground market. The illicit nature of cannabis sales meant that the government missed out on substantial tax revenue, while consumers were exposed to unregulated products that posed health risks. Estimates suggested that the illegal cannabis market in Canada was worth billions of dollars, fu

Impact on Public Health and Safety

Introduction The legalization of cannabis in Canada has sparked significant discussions about its implications for public health and safety. With the introduction of a regulated cannabis market, the government aimed to strike a balance between providing safe access to cannabis for adults and minimizing the potential risks associated with its use. This article examines the goals of public health in the context of legalization, the regulation of cannabis products, health risks and benefits, youth access and education, and trends in cannabis use post-legalization. Goals of Public Health in the Context of Legalization The primary goals of public health following cannabis legalization included reducing the harms associated with illicit drug use, ensuring the safety and quality of cannabis products, and protecting vulnerable populations, particularly youth. By regulating cannabis, the government aimed to create a framework that would minimize health risks while promoting responsible consum

Future of Medical Cannabis in Canada

 Summary The future of medical cannabis in Canada is poised for significant growth and transformation, shaped by evolving legislation, innovations in research, and changing public perceptions. This article explores the current legal landscape, highlights advancements in medical cannabis research and technology, and examines trends in societal attitudes toward cannabis. Understanding these factors is essential for anticipating the trajectory of medical cannabis in Canada. A. Evolving Legal Landscape In recent years, Canada has witnessed considerable changes in its legal framework governing cannabis. The Cannabis Act, enacted in October 2018, marked a landmark shift, legalizing both recreational and medical cannabis use. Since then, there have been ongoing discussions regarding further reforms aimed at enhancing access, improving regulation, and ensuring patient safety. Recent legislative changes have focused on expanding the list of qualifying medical conditions, simplifying the appli